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BulletHow to sign up for the eMeter Program?

To sing up for the eMeter Program:

  • Go to http://meters.toshiba.com/
  • Enter a Customer ID and the Serial # for one of the assets to report meters on.
  • Click LOGIN.
  • NOTE: If you enter an incorrect Customer ID and Serial # an error message will be displayed.

The verification screen displays the contact assigned to the registering Serial # and all other assets assigned to the contact:

  • The top section displays all the assets assigned to the contact.
  • Enter all the contact required information.
  • Check the second check box if you agree with the statement.
  • Click on SUBMIT.

The contact information confirmation page will be displayed:

  • Click on the BACK button to edit it any of the contact information.
  • Click on SUBMIT to complete the registration process.


© 2004 Toshiba America Business Solutions, Inc. Electronic Imaging Division.